Wind data estimated from the MF radar at Pameungpeuk (netCDF format)

Data description:

  Wind data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere estimated from the MF radar 
observations at Pameungpeuk, Indonesia, are stored in the netCDF (network Common 
Data From) file named (year)(month)(day) The netCDF file includes time, 
range, and wind velocity (eastward, northward and vertical components) of the 
original data in the binary format (Spaced Sensor Wind Measurement Analysis: SSWMA). 
The upper limit of height of all the netCDF files is set of 122 km, in order to 
coincide with that of some test operations from April 19 to October 17, 2007 and 
regular operation in the nighttime (17:30-06:00 LT) after October 18, 2007. The 
wind data corresponding to "bad" status code (other than 0) in the original data 
are replaced by missing value. For the detailed information of the status code, 
please refer to the document file (SSWMA.pdf) of the original data. The document 
file is provided by Daniel O'Connor in Genesis Software.
 Details are described in the metadata.

Data revision:

  Data version 1.0.1 was released on May 11, 2011. In this version, we replaced the 
wind data corresponding to "bad" status code (other than 0) in the original data by 
missing value. Please refer to the release note (Release_note_pameungpeuk_netcdf_data.txt) 
about the detailed revisions.

Revision history:

11MAY2011  A. Shinbori  :  Updated metadata file for version 1.0.1.
11MAY2011  A. Shinbori  :  Released version 1.0.1.
23MAR2011  A. Shinbori  :  Updated metadata file.
23MAR2011  A. Shinbori  :  Released initial version.